The most misleading stat about the housing market is increase in inventory.
The number of properties for sale is up significantly compared to last year. In most locations along the Front Range, inventory has doubled. This is obviously great news for buyers because they now have more choice. This is obviously meaningful for sellers because they now have more competition. But, it does not mean there is a glut of inventory. It does not mean that we are now, all of a sudden, over-supplied. Quite the contrary. The market is still undersupplied. There would need to be at least double the amount of homes for sale for Front Range real estate to begin to be balanced. The increase in inventory, being so large, gets a lot of attention in the media and can sometimes be taken the wrong way. Yes, inventory has doubled. But, it has doubled compared to all time lows. Freddie Mac reports that Nationally, the market is undersupplied by 3.8 million housing units. So, the increase in homes for sale is a good thing for the market and is nothing like a glut of inventory.